Thursday, 3 January 2013


I am not really a New Years Resolution kind of person, but this year I have decided write down some things I want to achieve over the next 12 months, maybe I will do them if they are written down!!

Here goes...

Personal stuff:

 - Shout less and read Unconditional Parenting again

 - Loose weight so I am a healthy BMI (by June as we are going to a wedding and I want to fit the dress I made for another wedding in 2011 that has never properly fitted!)

 - Do some type of cardio exercise every second day

 - Do 5 mins of pilates and stretches every day
 - Read 20 books

Crafty Stuff:

 - Crochet myself this jumper (sweater),

Lady Like Sweater - Free Pattern on Lion brand yarn

 - Knit myself  this jumper, I am thinking it may be a little challenging but the wool is ordered so I have to try!!

 - Crochet / Knit both the kids a cardigan or jumper.

Hopefully they are all achievable, the shouting one will be put to the test on Tuesday when the kids go back to school and make it a mission to wind me up as much as possible before we leave the house in the morning! 

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  • ResolutionsI am not really a New Years Resolution kind of person, but this year I have decided write down some things I want to achieve over the next 12 months, … Read More

1 comment:

  1. I am with you on the 'getting ready for school' thingy! Good luck to us both and I'm sure you will do fab on your resolutions too! E xx


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