Way back in January, seems like a lifetime ago, I decided to try my hand at embroidering over some hand lettering, it's a lot harder than it looks!
It is a motto I firmly believe in and at the time my Granny was slowly deteriorating in her care home and I was having to spend more and more of my time there. This was a good thing to look at to remind me what really mattered. She died on the 21st February and the relief I felt for her was immense, she was 103 and really had had enough. I am glad she never lived to see the pandemic grow arms and legs, that would have been awful for her.
Another non clothing related sewing project was my makeup brush sleeping bag! I rarely wear makeup and was fed up cleaning the dust off the brushes before I used them so this is the perfect solution. I sewed two rectangles together with a bit of ribbon sandwiched in one side , turned it right side out, folded the bottom up and sewed channels of varying width for my brushes, simple. You can roll it up and tie a bow to keep it together. Much neater than an jumbled mess of brushes at the bottom of the drawer...
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