Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Cake decoration according to a 5 year old.....

We (the kids with a little assistance from me) made a carrot cake this afternoon and after little E was removed from the decorating area (she kept smoothing the icing on the cake then licking the spatula then smoothing the cake etc, it was a matter of time before she actually started licking the cake...!) Big E got to work with the decorations...

I have never seen a carrot cake quite like it but he is proud!

Monday, 21 March 2011

Spring has sprung!

Not much crafty going on here at the moment, we have been enjoying the first glimmer of spring weather, it was 14 C here today, positively balmy :-) !!

A walk across the Forth Road Bridge

Playing in the garden

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Holiday excitement!

A few holiday projects have been completed and most importantly little e has her passport!

I made this dress for little e along with a matching hat.

The dress and hat were made using a simplicity pattern which I added a bodice lining to as the material has embroidered flowers on it and was a bit rough on the inside.

I decided to modify the shorts I previously made for Big E.

I added a new waistband on the shorts and a pocket on the back using material from a shirt I bought at a charity shop. If you look closley you will see the damage that can be done with a badly used seam ripper!!

On a seperate note the shuttle launch still targeted for April the 19th so fingers crossed we will see it!!

My thoughts are with those in Japan at this terrible time.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Life has got in the way of crafting..

What a crazy couple of weeks! Life has got in the way of creativity, Big E has been ill, little e has been a menace taking her clothes off every time you turn your back, which is not ideal when it is only 6degC outside, we have cleared out my Grandparents old house (they moved nearer us but left all their life's worth of stuff in the old house which we have had to clear before it can be sold..) and we have been booking a holiday! 
A rare moment where little e kept her clothes on...

We have been thinking about going to Florida to see the space shuttle launch for ages but have been putting it off in case it was postponed! Since the one at the end of Feb went up on time we decided to bite the bullet and book to go! A 7.5 hour then 2.5 hour flight with a 5 year old and 2.5 year old, we must be mad! Fingers crossed the shuttle is not postponed, Big E will be so upset if he doesn't see it... We plan to go to Disney but are trying to keep it a secret from the kids, I doubt that will work as as soon as people know we are going to Florida they will ask about Disney! 

Will we or won't we see something take off from here....??

There should be more crafty things here over the next few weeks as I make some more summer clothes for us all! I have not been on a holiday when I have not been pregnant for 7 years so my summer clothes are slightly tight......my excuse is the 2 children since then but it probably more to do with the quantity of baking I have done!!