Sunday 20 July 2014

A Rainbow Cake for my Sister

My wee sister was 30 last month, gosh that makes me feel old, and I made her cake. Her request, a rainbow cake! I will be completely honest and the amount of artificial colours in this cake scares me and I wouldn't let the kids eat it but it looked pretty!

I made 6 separate sponges (made in batches of 3 then split into different bowls for the colour) and sandwiched them together and covered the whole thing with vanilla butercream. I put rainbow bunting on the top as a hint to what was inside but not many folk guessed and there were a few surprised faces round the table!

It tasted surprisingly good given how many evil colours are in it!

It is almost birthday month in this house, husband and little e a week apart, and husband has asked for a Millennium Falcon cake and little e an Olaf cake. Only one will be getting their request...

Linking to some of these linkies.


  1. The rainbow cake looks fab. I think that maybe the Olaf cake would be the easiest to make. Looking forward to seeing what you do make.

  2. Looks amazing! Well done.

    I'm guessing it will be the Millenium Falcon you'll be goimg for? 😄


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